7 thoughts on “Welcome to my site!”

  1. HI!!
    I’d surely love to travel with YOU again! What good times we had!
    I’m going to post 2 more itineraries shortly.
    Hope you are doing well!
    (How fun to see a friend commenting here! It’s always been SPAM before yours!)
    Love ya!

  2. Hi Cheryl, I was just putting your address in my book and saw your website. It is wonderful! I only wish you covered the UK! How is the Islands of New England coming along? I definitely want to come on that! Anyway, will be in touch again soon, love from your English travelling companion, Vikki x

  3. Hello! Most of what I get here is SPAM–what a treat to see a real message! My site is in sad need of updating, and I think you give me inspiration to do that! I’ll be adding some photos from Alaska and Peru, and India.
    We are still on for the Islands of New England for 2013, and I think in the fall. It isn’t scheduled with a firm date yet. But it sure would be great fun to see you for that one!!
    We’ll be in Scotland in April, which Diane, probably mentioned. Wish we had been able to add London to that trip, but it didn’t work out.
    Best wishes, Vikki, for a wonderful Christmas!

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